Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a form of hypnosis that allows people to access a part of themselves that holds all the answers. This part is called the Higher Self, the Over Soul, or the Super Conscious. With QHHT, clients are able to have a much clearer understanding of why things are the way they are and ultimately create change within themselves. QHHT achieves the deepest level of hypnosis possible, the Somnambulistic level of trance, which is ordinarily experienced two times a day: just before becoming awake and just before falling asleep. Most hypnotists do not work in this level of trance, either because they don’t have the ability to access it or they are wary of working in the most mysterious level of hypnosis, which can produce unexpected results, such as reliving a past life.
These sessions can only be done in person.
appx. 4-5 hour session
Beyond Quantum Healing
BQH is a heart and energy based “regression” experience modality that eschews hard and fast rules and promotes creative and individualized approaches and shuns rules, restrictions and dogma. BQH is “quantum” which can mean “multidimensional,” so healing may occur on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Quantum can also suggest that healing may occur without regard to proximity. BQH was created to expand and go beyond the boundaries of perceived limitations in other methods and encourages use of current technology to connect with and assist clients around the world despite physical distance or travel restrictions. In other words, online as well as in-person sessions are completely acceptable in Beyond Quantum Healing.
3 hour session
Tiffany Jones is neither a trained psychologist or a medical doctor. The client who requests and agrees to be hypnotized acknowledges that hypnosis is a potentially powerful mental and physical regulating tool. The client understands that personal results will vary and there are no expressed or implied guarantees or warranties of results. It is understood that QHHT®, BQH and Finding your Flow are self-healing modalities, facilitated by a trained practitioner, and requires clients to be open to hypnosis and from time-to-time people are resistant to it. The client is fully informed of the nature and the usefulness of QHHT®, BQH and Finding your Flow. Further, the client is aware that QHHT®, BQH and Finding your Flow are spiritually-based in nature and any information that comes through is coming from their soul (also known as "Higher Self," "Subconscious," "Oversoul," "Higher Conscious," "Christ Consciousness," etc.) If the client receives information from their Soul regarding any lifestyle changes or changes in their health protocols, the client takes full responsibility and will take it upon themselves to consult their healthcare provider if the client deems necessary after their QHHT®, BQH or Finding your Flow session.